Calculate your income tax in the United States, salary deductions in the United States and compare salary after tax for income earned in the United States in the 2025 tax year using the United States tax calculators. Each calculator allows you to choose which state you would like to calculate your salary after tax in and select the current or historical tax years.
Producing a tax return example or salary calculation is simple, start by selecting a specific tax calculator that reflects the period for which you are paid or select annual to use your total annual income to produce a tax calculation of your annual Federal and State Tax return in 2025, you can also use historical tax years. The 2025 Tax Calculators are updated with the 2025 tax tables.
Select one of the tax calculators below that reflects how you get paid. The annual tax calculator is useful for reviewing annual salaries, particularly useful if you are comparing salaries between jobs or a US expat reviewing contract salary rates after tax.
Current and historical tax calculators supported and maintained by iCalculator™