
US Tax Calculators for 2025/26

Welcome to iCalculator™'s suite of tax calculators designed specifically for the United States. On this page you can use our quick US tax Calculator or you can access more bespoke tax calculators and tools for each state. These include tools that allow you to compare State taxes in different states using the same of different tax years, to calculate sales tax and more, you can find these tools under "What would you like to do today?", alternatively you can browse the full list of our US Tax Calculators here.

United States Tax Calculator for 2025/26

The 2025/26 US Tax Calculator allow you to calculate and estimate your 2025/26 tax return, compare salary packages, review salary examples and review tax benefits/tax allowances in 2025/26 based on the 2025/26 Tax Tables which include the latest Federal income tax rates.

US Tax Calculator 2025/26
*** Please Enter your annual Gross income.

How to use the US Tax Calculator

  1. Enter your Annual salary
  2. Optional: Select advanced and change the setting to suit
  3. Press Calculate: Instant Salary Calculation for 2025/26 Tax Year!

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US Tax Calculators and US Tax Tables

Not sure which calculator is best for you, watch our video and learn more about the US Tax and Salary Calculators on iCalculator™.