
United States Salary Comparison Calculators for 2025

The United States Salary Comparison Calculators allow you to compare upto 6 separate salary after tax calculations side by side and view the best salary package available. The Salary Comparison Calculators allow you to compare salaries in the same or different States and compare salaries in the same tax year or historic tax years. This is a good tool for assessing how salaries compare over time and between different states of the USA. You can compare your salary by first selecting the State where you wish to add the first salary, you can then add more salaries to compare and select the same or alternate State and Tax year for each salary you wish to compare.

State Salary Calculators for 2025

Each State Salary Comparison Calculator provides a salary comparison overview and highlights the salary package with the highest salary after tax (the largest take home pay) and has a supporting full salary example that shows how salary deductions are calculated in each state, this is particularly useful when preparing for your annual tax return for 2025. The state salary comparison calculators are designed for providing a quick calculation of salary after tax. This is a good calculator for jobseekers and those currently looking for a new job or comparing salaries or salary packages across different job markets and job roles.

The salary comparison calculator uses the tax rates and thresholds from the Federal Tax Tables and individual State Tax Tables.

United States Tax Tables and Personal Income Tax Rates and Thresholds

Each year, the United States publishes new Tax Tables for the new tax year, the Tax Tables are published by the Inland Revenue Service (IRS). Each of these tax tables contains rates and thresholds for business tax, corporation tax, employer tax, employee tax, property tax, import tax, export tax, sales tax and other tax rates and thresholds as well as providing instruction and guidance for changes to specific tax law and/or tax legislation.

These tax tables are then, amongst other things, used to calculate tax and associated payroll deductions. The changes to the tax tables can be long and often contain information that , whilst important, is not relevent to the majority of taxpayers who pay most of their direct tax via their salary income. The Federal tax tables listed below contain relevent tax rates and thresholds that apply to salary calculation and are used in the salary calculators published on iCalculator. The Federal tax tables are provided here for your reference.

United States Salary Comparison Calculator 2025 | iCalculator™ | The United States Salary Comparison Calculator allows you to quickly compare several salaries adjacent each other to see the best salary after tax including Federal State Tax, Medicare Deductions, Social Security, Capital Gains and other income tax and salary deductions complete with supporting income tax tables

About the United States Salary Comparison Calculator 2025/26

iCalculator provides the most comprehensive free online US salary comparison calculator with supporting detailed breakdown and analysis of each salary calculation including breakdown into hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and annual pay and tax rates. Simply enter each salary, state and tax year that you wish to compare and hit Submit to see a full Salary after tax calculation for each salary.

The US Salary Comparison Calculator is updated for 2025/26 and takes into account all deductions including Marital Status, Marginal Tax rate and percentages, income tax calculations and thresholds, incremental allowances for dependants, age and disabilities, Medicare, Social Security and other payroll calculations. This includes employer salary calculations and employee salary calculations. You can calculate and compare your take home pay based on each salary.

iCalculator also provides historical US Federal Income Tax figures so you can review how much tax you have paid in previous tax years or you can use our Salary Tax calculator 2025/26 to view your salary after tax this year. Did you know we also provide salary calculators, tax return calculators and other excellent online calculators.