The US Sales Tax Comparison Calculator allows you to compare Sales Tax between the states chosen. The comparison is based on the average Sales Tax across the State. It is worth noting that Sales tax can vary considerably between different locations within each State depending on the Sales Tax policy adopted. Some States apply a flat Sales Tax, other have no Sales Tax and the third type of policy is to apply a State Tax Rate, County Tax Rate, Local Tax Rate and, in some circumstances, a special tax rate.
Given the variance in Sales Tax policy across the US, this specific Sales Tax Comparison Calculator provides a directional comparison based on average State Tax Rates, if you prefer a more accurate comparison, please choose a specific State from the list further down this page, these calculators allow Sales Tax Comparison between specific locations for detailed Sales Tax Comparison.
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The following step-by-step guide covers the process required to compare Sales Tax using the US Sales Tax Comparison Calculator:
The following list contains links to Sales Tax Calculators for each State, each allows the detailed comparison of State Tax based on specific locations within each State.